Embark on a seamless journey to acquire cryptocurrencies effortlessly.
Fast (10 seconds) and easy way to exchange digital assets.
Discover the realm of digital currency, where transactions are instant, private, and entirely liberated from burdensome bank fees. Download our official wallet app now and unlock the gateway to utilizing your digital assets with ease and efficiency. Experience the true meaning of financial freedom, empowering you to transact seamlessly and securely.
Start to earn at 10% yearly with your crypto and stable coin. You can vincolate the investment 90-180 days or 1 year to get the most from your crypto.
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You can Earn interest just from holding Cryptos, with fix plan or without any time limit.
Exchange your fiat with crypto and crypto with Fiat
Let your Cryptos work for you.
Get passive income from your Cryptos with .pure Fixed Plans.
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We always aim to maintain the lowest possible fees while providing top-notch service. If we can make it cheaper – we will. Find below our price list.
Currency | Network Fees |
BTC | 0.0003 |
ETH | 0.005 |
USDC | 10 |
USDT | 10 |
XRP | 0.25 |
XLM | 0.02 |
ADA | 1 |
DOT | 0.1 |
SOL | 0.01 |
MATIC | 0.1 |
LTC | 0.001 |
DOGE | 50 |